Vireo developed a Java AWT/Thinlet/JXTA based applet and complete server administration system for KomeraMail email/calendar/alert software.
Teach For America
Vireo just finished up Teach For America, converting PSDs into HTML.
Vireo did ecommerce development for this online store selling subscription boxes to moms and dads.
BondAndBowery.com Bond & Bowery
Vireo developed a content management system for this Antiques and Arts company, using PHP/MySQL.
LoudLouderLoudest.com Loud Louder Loudest
Vireo developed a massive content management and ringtone production and packaging system for this ringtone production company, using PHP/MySQL, Python and Perl.
Vireo did website/database development for many online contests and sweeps for this New York pop culture company.
Playscripts, Inc.
Vireo does custom Jquery/javascript/PHP development for this online store selling plays and play materials.
Vireo did maintenance and database development for a number of New York companies through a partnership with PolyFlavor as well.
Fila Sportswear
Vireo authored and upgraded the E-Commerce website for FILA for over 4 years. This store was developed using Java, JSP, HTML and runs on an Oracle Database.

Vireo also developed and updated other Fila related stores:
Pacific Life Open Online Store
NASDAQ 100 Open Store
Maxim Online Store
Ferrari Online Store
US Open Online Store
Vireo developed an online flight reservation and checkout system for Touchair (PHP/MySQL).
Chainlink Networking Solutions
Vireo does Java/Struts/Apache/Tomcat/HTML development for companies through a partnership with Chainlink Networking Solutions.
Vireo developed a multi radio station website using PHP and MySQL for Classics Du Jour.
Quantum Staffing
Vireo just finished up developing a staffing solution for Quantum Staffing (PHP/MySQL).
Silver Creek Realty
Silver Creek Realty
Vireo has recently modified an OpenRealty script to load MLS data and email listings daily.
Michael Letzig
Vireo recently did html production work for http://www.michaelletzig.com.
Jets Electric, LLC
Vireo developed a shopping cart based PHP/MySQL site for Jets Electric, LLC.
Excelsior Teacher Initiative
Excelsior Teacher Initiative
Vireo developed this PHP website for Excelsior Teachers Initiative.
Teaching Fellows
Orleans Parish T. F.
Los Angeles T. F.
Vireo has recently developed several PHP/MySQL sites for Teaching Fellows Organizations.
Vireo developed an XML/XSL driven website for http://www.medbrain.com.
Vireo developed internal database driven web applications for Diam POP using Java, JDBC, JSP, HTML running on SQL Server.
Vireo redeveloped MuseumOfGlass.org from a site on XML, ASP to JSP/Java.
Vireo developed a bilingual site, Sapientis.org, using HTML, JSP, Java, MySQL.
Vireo redesigned and developed Seattleflight.com using HTML, XML, ASP.
Vista Research
Vireo did some HTML and template development for Vista Research.
Nowag, Inc
Vireo developed an EJB based project estimation tool for Nowag Software.
Vireo developed the website http://www.pikmin.com for Nintendo, which was an XML Driven JSP backend for a Flash site.

Battery Biz and EBatts.com:
Vireo also did development and maintenance for Ebatts and Battery Biz using ASP, HTML on a SQL Server Database.
IHE Partners:
Vireo worked on the member website http://www.ihepartners.com. (ASP)

Vireo has also developed database driven websites for private independent contractors using a variety of tools such as EJBs, ASP, JSP, etc on databases including MySQL and SQL Server.
App Server:
Vireo has developed and deployed an application server for quickly deploying java based database driven websites. This development can be used for other projects.